First Aid and CPR Classes in Hamilton

First Aid and CPR Training in Hamilton
First Aid and CPR Training in Hamilton

Hamilton First Aid is the most popular service provider of first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillation (AED) training in the Hamilton Area. Prospective trainees can choose from a variety of workplace training courses, private classes, stand-alone classes, and refresher courses. Courses include standard, childcare and emergency first aid which are offered in classrooms or as private courses at your facility. Training courses are workplace approved certification courses, taught by workplace approved certified instructors that follow the latest first aid and CPR guidelines that meet provincial requirements. Trainees may enrol in a class using the on-line application form below, or via e-mail or telephone call or click this link to view the website now. Learn important skills and knowledge to be prepared to handle almost any emergency by enrolling in first aid and CPR classes in Hamilton, Ontario.

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Hamilton First Aid

Contacting This Provider

To contact Hamilton First Aid use the following details:

  • Toll Free Telephone Number: 1-888-870-7002
  • Email Address:
  • Website:

Lowest Rates

Hamilton First Aid offers the lowest training course rates in the area. Taxes, certificates, workplace approved registration fees, training manuals, and training equipment are included in the flat rate offered by Hamilton First Aid. In the case that a trainee cannot complete the training course, a 72-hour notice is needed for him or her to receive a full refund of the enrolment fee.

Up-to-date training courses

Lecture room
First aid, CPR, and AED lecture room

Trainees are taught the latest information in technique and pathway updates when providing compressions and defibrillation. Training courses use the Basic Life Support (BLS) guidelines by the American Heart Association when teaching trainees how to rescue a victim of cardiac arrest. Chest compressions started within the first 3-5 minutes of collapse have been show to improve the survival rates of victims. The order has been changed from Airway-Breathing-Circulation to Circulation-Airway-Breathing, making the first step rescuers perform chest compressions.

Combined first aid, CPR and AED courses are also given, covering a variety of emergency situations. One of the lessons covered in basic first aid classes is major bleeding injuries such as puncture wounds. Trainees will be able to learn how to manage injuries such as puncture wounds if emergency medical help has not yet arrived or is too far away.

  • A puncture wound is a open wound caused by blunt or sharp instruments such as animal teeth, nails, or knives.
  • Even though the wound can have a small opening, it should be treated seriously as a puncture wound often penetrates deep into the tissue, possible damaging internal organs and structures.
  • A major concern with these wounds is contamination deep in the wound especially around internal organs.

Private classes are also available, usually taken by big groups or companies who request separate classes for their training.

Workplace Approved Certification

All training courses are workplace approved certification courses, so trainees who are able to complete a training course are awarded a certificate, valid for three years throughout Canada. Renewal of near-expiry certificates is available through refresher courses at Hamilton First Aid, offered at least twice a week.



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