First Aid and CPR Training in Kelowna

First Aid and CPR Training courses in Kelowna
First Aid and CPR Training courses in Kelowna

Participants that need first aid, CPR, AED, food safe or safety training in Kelowna should register with Kelowna First Aid. This provider has been offering workplace approved approved first aid and CPR classes in down-town Kelowna since 2009. They are committed to providing a great learning experience with knowledgeable and friendly instructors. Courses are offered in the business centre along Harvey street in a comfortable classroom with plenty of amenities nearby and ample free parking. Participants can register for one day basic first aid training and two-day comprehensive courses (standard first aid). WorkSafe BC approved training is available through workplace emergency first aid (WEFA) courses which provide certification equivalent to OFA level 1. This 8 hour course provide participants with certification valid for 3 years. Participants can also register for food safe level 1 and level 2 training as well as CPR and AED “only” courses. WHMIS and TDG safety training is also provided on-line and in-class. To register for any of the above mentioned courses or St Mark James first aid and CPR training in Kelowna, B.C. click the link below or contact this Kelowna provider using the information posted below.

Additional information on offered classes and schedules are available on the Kelowna First Aid website. Click here to visit the website.

Contact Information and Location Details

This workplace approved training affiliate is located along Harvey avenue near downtown Kelowna. The training centre offers free parking for participants as well as easy access to public transit. Nearby restaurants include Domino’s, Pizza Hut and Subway. To contact his provider use the following information:

  • Address: 1634 Harvey Ave, Kelowna, B.C.
  • Telephone: 250-277-1944
  • Email:
  • Website:

For more information about the location or directions to the training facility check out the following Google map:

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What can Kelowna First Aid offer you?

Enrolment is quick and easy.

Enrolment can be completed via the application form below. E-mails, telephone calls, and walk-ins at the training center are also highly encouraged by Kelowna First Aid’s staff.

The largest number of classes in the Kelowna area.

Adult and pediatric bag valve masks used in CPR and AED training courses.

Kelowna First Aid offers a variety of workplace approved first aid, CPR, and AED training classes at various schedules throughout the week. Certain courses are also available during the weekend. CPR training courses are offered in three levels: “A”, “C”, and “HCP” / BLS (CPR HCP is now referred to as BLS).

CPR training courses use the American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) guidelines. The latest BLS guidelines were released in 2010 and are used when providing resuscitation and defibrillation to victims of cardiac arrest. Chest  compressions within the first 3-5 minutes after a person has collapsed has been shown to improve the survival rates of victims. Updated techniques in CPR are also the focus in the skill development portion of the training courses.

Splinting a leg with an injury such as a broken bone.

First aid and CPR courses are available to trainees who want to undergo the complete training course. Basic first aid, CPR and AED classes are comprehensive one or two-day classes. Basic first aid classes cover a variety of emergency situations and first aid associated with them. Bandaging is one of the more popular basic first aid topics, with bandaging techniques suited to a particular injury.

All classes are St Mark James certification courses, so trainees who are able to complete a training course are given a workplace approved certificate, valid for three years throughout Canada.

Private classes are also available to big groups or companies who request separate classes and schedules.

Lowest Rates for All Training Courses

Training courses with Kelowna First Aid are offered at the lowest rates in the area. Rates are inclusive of certificate fees, and St Mark James Training registration fees. Training manuals and equipment are also included in the initial enrolment fee so there is no need to worry about additional expenses. Full refunds are also given to trainees who drop out of the training course, provided that the trainee has given a 72-hour notice.  Check out the following price list of available courses in Kelowna:

  • Standard First Aid – 154.99
  • Emergency First Aid – 94.99
  • Childcare First Aid – 99.99
  • CPR level “A” – 58.99
  • CPR level “C” – 74.99
  • CPR level “HCP” – 74.99

All first aid courses include certification in CPR. All above classes include training and certification in the use of AED’s. Taxes and all applicable fees included in the price of the course. Re-certification courses are also available for individuals that want to renew expiring awards.

Course Content of workplace approved Standard First Aid and CPR Courses in Kelowna

Standard first aid is one of the most popular courses provided. It is a comprehensive two-day course that includes a variety of topics. The following are some key topics covered in this course:

  • The History of the workplace approved
  • When and how to contact EMS / 9-1-1
  • How to stay safe during a rescue
  • Legal implications of providing or not providing aid
  • Obstructed airway rescues for conscious and unconscious victims (full/complete and partial/incomplete blockages)
  • Conscious and unconscious victims with and without breathing
  • H.A.I.N.E.S and the recovery position
  • Complications with providing aid for choking and CPR victims
  • Respiratory emergency management for victims of allergic reactions, asthma and hyperventilation
  • Circulatory emergency management for victims of angina, transient ischemic attacks, shock, heart attacks and stroke
  • Wound care for victims of scrapes, amputations, punctures, flail chests and lacerations
  • Skeletal injury management for victims of open and closed fractures and head and neck injuries
  • Sudden medical emergencies including diabetic emergencies and seizures
  • Environmental emergency management including heat stroke, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, bites, stings and poisonings

To successfully complete the course participants must pass a multiple choice test with a minimum score of 75% and complete all skill components of the course.

These and more topics are covered in a comprehensive two day first aid and CPR course offered with Kelowna First Aid

WorkSafe BC Certification

Participants that need certification that meet WorkSafe BC occupational first aid level 1 requirements should enroll in WEFA programs that are offered with this provider. This is a one day course that takes 8 hours to complete. 100% attendance is mandatory to complete the course and participants must complete a multiple choice test with a minimum score of 75% to pass. Participants in this course will learn a variety of emergency management techniques as well as the administrative side of first aid in the workplace.

High End Training Facilities

Kelowna First Aid offers high-end training facilities, complete with the latest technology in first aid training. Classrooms are spacious and air-conditioned, for the comfort of Kelowna First Aid’s trainees. The training centers are easily accessible, within walking distance to public transportation and restaurants.

For the best training in first aid, CPR, and AED, enroll in a training class with Kelowna First Aid today!

Did You Know?


The medical term for a bruise is an ecchymosis. This is characterized by discoloration on the skin that is usually bluish or purplish. This caused by trauma or injury to the tissue that causes small vessels under the skin to break. The vessels cause a small amount of bleeding to occur underneath the skin, leading to a bruise. Bruises are initially red, then turn blue/purple, and turn green to yellow are it heals.

Learn to manage these and other minor and major emergencies by enrolling in workplace approved training.

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