June 2013

On-Site Observation, Inspection and Palpation

A video that will introduce you to the article you are about to read. Neck Vessels and Heart-03 Inspection, Palpation and Percussion [media url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngelVIXuhTU” width=”600″ height=”400″] Injuries or conditions that impair, or that have the potential to impair, vital function of the CNS and cardiorespiratory system are considered to be emergency situations. In responding to

On-Site Observation, Inspection and Palpation Read More »

CPR Classes for Expecting Parents

[heading style=”1″]1st Aid and CPR Training discusses CPR classes for expecting parents and readiness for first aid emergencies.[/heading] Nowadays, we are living in an increasingly unpredictable world. Given that this is a well-established fact, one would expect that emergency preparedness would become a virtue among people. Unfortunately, the number of people with emergency skills is

CPR Classes for Expecting Parents Read More »

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