Getting rid of allergy rash on the face

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Allergy rash can occur suddenly with swelling and when it develops on the face, they can be irritating and embarrassing. Rashes are outbreaks or bumps found in the skin and can spread over with cracked skin, inflammation, redness and itching. These rashes can be caused by psychological factors, certain diseases, mosquito bites, fungal or bacterial infections, allergies, environmental irritants, dry skin and exposure to the sun.

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Causes of allergy rash on face

  • Rashes on face can be caused by an allergic reaction to medication or becomes infected by bacteria.
  • Eczema is a form of dermatitis which is likely to affect infants. It can be caused by the diet and allergic reactions to soap and detergents.
  • Erysipelas is a form bacterial infection due to A. Streptococcus. This bacterium enters open wounds and cuts and causes an infection characterized by blisters or lesions on the nose and cheeks.
  • Lupus a disease that affects the immune system and usually common among women. It causes a butterfly-type rash that develops on the nose and cheeks and becomes worse with excessive exposure to sun.
    Allergy rash
    Rashes on face can be caused by an allergic reaction to medication or becomes infected by bacteria.
  • Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction due to soaps, cosmetics and perfumes. If it is a reaction to soap, the allergy rash is characterized by red patches that are itchy.
  • Rosacea is common among adults and the rash looks red and puffy across the face. Sometimes, this allergy rash have pustules or bumps filled with pus. Rosacea usually affects the cheeks, forehead and the nose.


  • Wash the face thoroughly using mild soap and water and rinse thoroughly to remove traces of allergen that comes in direct contact. Apply lotion that contains stearic acid and glyceryl stearate. Make sure the lotion does not have hard chemicals or antiseptics. Repeat this process at least 3 times every day.
  • Apply cool compress on the face to relieve discomfort and swelling. Cold compress can be dipped in cider vinegar to give extra relief. A cold compress is the easiest way to treat various of forms of allergy rashes such as hives, poison ivy reactions and insect bites. Avoid applying directly on the skin to prevent frostbite that can worsen the condition. Wrap an ice pack with a towel before applying on the affected area. Applying cold non-skimmed milk also good for the condition.
  • Apply a topical steroid cream gently on the face such as hydrocortisone and calamine lotion to lessen the itchiness and irritation of the allergy rash.
  • Olive oil eliminates rashes by opening the pores and regulates flow of air in the skin and works as a natural cleanser. First, wash the face using warm water and pat it dry. Apply olive oil on the face and leave it on the face for at least 2 hours before rinsing it. Repeat this process at least 3 times every day.

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