first aid for children

Ease the Discomfort Caused by Chicken Pox in Children

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Children with chicken pox can be in a very frustrating situation. Chicken pox or varicella is a condition that appears usually during childhood. It is characterized by blisters and may form crusts and scabs. While the condition is not really a serious one as it goes away even without treatment, learning what first aid to provide to your child will essentially help them to become more comfortable and feel better.

Chicken Pox Symptoms

Chicken pox is infectious and it is important to isolate the child with the disease immediately at the first sign of symptoms. The failure to do so will cause the disease to spread easily and this can pose as a potential problem among children in schools. The common signs and symptoms of chicken pox are the following:

  • Sores in the mouth
  • Scabs
  • Red bumps
  • Blisters
  • Itchy rash
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache

Basic First Aid Treatment

first aid for children
Learn first aid for children

The symptoms of chicken pox can cause the child significant discomfort. The goal is to keep the child as comfortable as possible because the itch can be very frustrating for the child.

  1. Use lukewarm water with oatmeal and wipe it on the child’s body to relieve the itch
  2. Use calamine lotion to relieve itching but avoid the face area
  3. Do not rub the skin instead pat it to dry
  4. Keep your child from scratching the skin. This can cause wounds that make the child susceptible to bacterial infection.
  5. Cut the child’s nails to prevent injuring the skin when they scratch.
  6. Give your child paracetamol to control fever.
  7. Keep the child warm to prevent chilling
  8. Immediately see a doctor when your child show signs of difficulty in breathing or when he is unusually ill
  9. The best way to save your child from the ordeal of a chicken pox infection is to give him vaccine as a preventive measure in 12 to 15 months old.

Learn Basic First Aid

While chicken pox is a self remitting condition that goes away even without treatment, the presence of other conditions during the infection can cause your child to experience more serious symptoms like difficulty in breathing. Basic first aid training can help you avoid the more serious condition that can happen to your child and you it is a practical training to learn that can help save lives.


NHS Choices. Chickepox. Accessed May 31, 2014 from

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