How to treat gas, bloating and burping

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Gas, burping and bloating are all normal conditions. Gases are made in the stomach and intestines and the body breaks food as energy. Bloating is the feeling of fullness in the abdomen and makes a person uncomfortable.

Belching or burping is the involuntary or voluntary boisterous discharge of air from the esophagus or stomach passing via the mouth. Burping is usually caused by swallowing air. Nervous habits or other medical conditions like ulcers or gallbladder problem can also cause burping. In some cultures, a person burps loudly after eating to show appreciation of the meal.

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All people pass out gas, but there are some people who produce more gas than others. It is normal to pass gas from 6-20 times a day, but this may cause embarrassment to the person. Excess intestinal gas is not caused by a serious health condition.

Belching or burping is the involuntary or voluntary boisterous discharge of air from the esophagus or stomach passing via the mouth.

Some common causes of gas and bloating

  1. If a person swallowed air and is not burped up, it will pass through the digestive tract and released through the anus known as flatus. Hiccups can happen if excessive air is swallowed.
  2. The amount of gas varies from the different foods the person consumes.
  3. Constipation can cause bloating but does not increase gas.
  4. Some medications and nutritional supplements as well as dietary supplements can also cause bloating and the side effects of gas.
  5. Changes in the hormonal levels common to women to experience bloating after their periods, because they retain fluid in the body.
  6. A condition like a bowel obstacle or Crohn’s disease can also cause gas and bloating.

Dyspepsia is vague feeling of fullness, gnawing or burning in the chest or the upper abdomen that happens after eating. A person describes this feeling as “gas” and other symptoms can occur at the same time like belching, a rumbling noise in the abdomen, an increased flatus, poor appetite and changes in the bowel habits.

Treatment and home remedies for gas, bloating and burping

The following first aid measures can be carried out to provide relief to the symptoms.

  • Increasing the amount of fluid the person drinks, especially water and avoiding carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages.
  • Take over-the-counter medications like CharcoCaps since it decrease odor from gas. This is usually taken after meals or at the first sign of discomfort caused by gas.
  • Antacids like Maalox anti-gas, and Mylanta allows gas to be belched more easily. Just remember that these medications have no effects if gas is already in the intestines.
  • A food enzyme like Beano which breaks down sugars found in vegetables and grains can be added to foods that cause the person to have gas.
  • If the person has hiccups, swallow a teaspoon of dry granulated sugar. Another is holding the breath and count slowly to 10. A person can also breathe repeatedly into a paper bag for only a limited period of time. A person quickly drinks a glass of cold water to relieve hiccups.


  • Avoid foods like bean, broccoli, cabbage and bran, it causes gas
  • Avoid swallowing air
  • Chew the food thoroughly before swallowing
  • Avoid talking while chewing food
  • Avoid changes in stomach temperature like drinking a hot beverage and then a cold beverage.
  • Keeping calm and avoid tension and anxiety since it causes a person to swallow air.
  • Avoid smoke or using tobacco products
  • Try eating 6 small meals a day
  • Avoiding constipation  and laxatives
  • Do some exercises every day.

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